Our Approach
Human-centered, technology enabled.
A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
Our solutions have never been about incremental improvements. They’ve been about making transformative improvements that drive truly revolutionary outcomes for companies and their employees.
We do this by putting people at the center of our solutions and giving them what they need to achieve in complex environments.
Starting with your teams, we specify your competitive intentions for speed, cost improvements, and capabilities. We then combine the strategies, playbooks and Scireo® software tools that create revolutionary outcomes.
Learn more about our award-winning Scireo® software.
Our Proven Process

- Lower Costs
- Faster Speeds
- Reduced obsolescence risk
People. Tools. Practices. Financials.
Transforming Your Organizational Structures
We help people – and the companies they work for – succeed, transforming their organizational structures until they are working working together to drive revolutionary outcomes.

... What’s Better
- Employees: Engaged, Passionate, Open
- Speed: 25-75% Faster
- Costs: 35-50% Lower
- Equipment: 50% Less Risk
- Underlying structural change vs superficial solution

People are the most important structure any business has. All business challenges and opportunities have at their root effective or ineffective human skill and intention.
- Establishing Intentions
- Connecting Employees
- Creating Situation Awareness
- Improving Skills

People are tools users. They use today’s new tools to amplify their knowledge, especially in highly technical, capital intensive, and complex organizations.
- Facilitate Coordination
- Identify Risks & Opportunities
- Measure outcomes
- Facilitate Learning

Today’s new tools enable new practices and new intentions that were not possible with the old tools. These new practices are the key to producing competitive advantages.
- Coordinating Action
- Mobilizing Commitment
- Establishing Playbooks
- Accelerated Learning

With people, tools and practices working together, better – profitability improves, increasing cashflow and the space for additional investments.
Enabled investment in additional…
- Employee Growth
- Capabilities / Tools
- New Practices
- Business Growth