Knowledge is Essential for Focus and Speed

Knowledge White Background Blog

Paul McNamara

Knowledge is power.

If our knowledge is better than our competitors’ knowledge it gives us the power to win. If we work purposely at increasing our knowledge, and we succeed, our accomplishments or results increase as well.

Outcomes or results are produced by people and teams who have the knowledge to produce them. Knowledge is the capacity to produce those results, whether they be in business, sports or your personal life. Gaps in producing results are gaps in the knowledge necessary to produce them.

The good news is you don’t need to know everything, you can get help. That’s where Sente comes in as a partner on your journey. We give you the power to succeed with velocity and winning results!

Knowledge Produces Measurable Results

Sente has won numerous customer and industry awards for the value of our solutions relative to their competition

  • 2X increases to speed versus none claimed by typical asset management solutions
  • 3X increases to asset efficiency versus improvements in 5% to 15% increments by typical asset management solutions
  • 4X the financial results of other continuous improvement initiatives leading to multiple customer best practice awards

Not only does our knowledge work, but it works fast, achieving results in less than six months.

Types of Knowledge Used to Augment Asset Management Solutions

We achieve these results with Accelerated Enterprise Asset Management, aEAM, by layering two different types of knowledge, Domain Knowledge and Contextual Knowledge, on top of our Enterprise Asset Management Solution.

Domain Knowledge

Domain Knowledge is knowledge unique in a specific domain (e.g. engineering, manufacturing). It includes 1) data required to characterize the capability of assets used in the domain (e.g. performance characteristics, options, fair-market-value) as well as 2) data collected through the use of the assets as part of a process (e.g. product test results) for reporting and analysis.

Making use of domain knowledge, assets can be located quickly that meet your requirements without costly, time-consuming searches that lead to delays and typically the purchase of additional capabilities you already own.

Contextual Knowledge

Contextual Knowledge is data about the historical, current and future planned deployment/uses and capacity of enterprise assets (equipment or facilities), resources (people) and services (3rd party or internal service groups) required to produce a requested outcome (e.g. complete a test program).

As contexts change (e.g. schedules move, people get sick, assets are out of service) constraints are quickly identified, contingencies planned and then acted on.

Knowledge Lets You See the Forest for the Trees

Knowledge helps you to keep the focus on what is important in a very complex environment. How do we help? Here’s an example.

Test schedules change meaning the demand for resources and assets is also changing. Using the contextual knowledge of the schedules and capacity report conflicts are identified. Searching using asset characteristics enables you to find a perfect replacement that is not in use and can be used for your application.

In this example, knowledge brought focus first to the constraint, and second to the solution.

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See how Scireo aEAM Software drops asset and support costs by 50% while accelerating time-to-market 2X.

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Notable Quotes

“Sente’s Scireo® solution sets a new benchmark in customer experience by increasing collaboration and communications among all participants of a test program. They drive cycle time and cost efficiencies, optimizing asset utilization and technical labor productivity, and applying best practices in knowledge management to increase speed and drive standardization of test resources.”

Frost & Sullivan Analyst