Schedule Coordination
Our Schedule Coordination Solution is for organizations looking to improve team coordination, collaboration, engagement, and speed.
Clients who start with this solution may later expand into our Efficiency and Integration Solutions to achieve the greatest level of success and organizational transformation.
Why Coordination Fails
Many organizations share their costly and complex test equipment across multiple projects and programs. In these environments, fast changing situations often result in unanticipated and cascading resource conflicts, costs, and frustrations. Project managers hoard equipment by “padding” schedules excessively and resulting in additional cascading changes to other schedules their associated resources. This results in a highly reactive operation with moods of distrust and finger pointing when the inevitable delays happen.
How We Help
Clarity on intentions required for building trust and eliminating hoarding
Software tools that provide visibility to schedule, constraints, and contingencies
Fact-based schedule analytics
Coordination practices that build trust and lead to speed
People trained in the practices
Coaching on management and governance
Transformative Results
25% improvements to speed
Hoarding eliminated
Elevated employee engagement & satisfaction

Testimonial Highlight
We’re driven to help people and the companies they work for succeed.