Property and Asset Management Software
Leveraging your resources and knowledge across your organization
Scireo® ResourceTRM™ is the test resource and knowledge repository available across the entire Scireo platform and includes in-depth and searchable equipment capabilities, obsolescence and market data.
See how Scireo software drops asset and support costs by 50% while accelerating time-to-market 2X.
ResourceTRM is often used by property managers and quality departments to manage compliance of assets for location and calibration accuracy, and also by engineering and manufacturing organizations to track their assets and manage calibration recall logistics.
Inventory Accountability
Assets don't get lost once they are in Scireo
Calibration Compliance
Enabled by inventory accountability
Time Savings
Eliminated searching for lost assets & reduced occurrence of physical inventories
Assets returned to the user in half historical time

Notable Features

Resource Action Grid
Fast, flexible and familiar interface used to access resource details
Details accessible from Scireo's Management Consoles, Search Result Screens, or any other application interfaces
Organize fields to create personalized grids for each application
Field sorting, filtering, grouping and exporting capabilities
Trigger workflows enabled from the Action Grid

Service & Maintenance Console
Console for planning, coordinating and tracking calibration or simple maintenance tasks
View trends, drill into details
Trigger workflows enabled from the Action Grid

Inventory Accountability Console
Console for assessing and planning inventory actions
Based on requirements of the process or compliance requirements of external sources (i.e., customers, government)

Asset Search
Parametric search capability with fast inventory search for specified equipment
Enables users with large and diverse inventory to find equipment models they might not have ordinarily searched for
Easily find equipment with capabilities matching familiar models

Agilis Move-It
Easily moves assets, whether you are checking them out of a storage area to associate them to a test event to create a simple permanent record, or moving them to the calibration lab for service and tracking turn time exactly
It's as easy as opening the app on your mobile device, scanning a barcode, and selecting a location, which may also be a barcode scan
Scireo's mobile platform includes mobile phone options in iOS and Android

Kiosk Capabilities
Quick and easy access in locations without cell phone
Simple and quick access using company badge
Additional Capabilities
Asset Accountability Consoles
Asset Catalog
Asset Configuration/Parent-Child
Asset Pedigree Data
Asset Tracking
Asset/Model Search
Barcoding / RFID
Calibration Management
Check-in / Check-out
Custodian Assignment
Integration with IoT
Inventory Controls